Insect Control

Similar to other crops, there are a few insects capable of causing economic damage in sorghum if not managed timely and efficiently. These range from root and seed damaging insects to those that feed on the leaves, the stalks of plants or directly on the sorghum grain. All of these insects, however, can be controlled with sound integrated pest management practices.

Growers and consultants should familiarize themselves with these insects as well as the management practices that should be adopted to minimize their impact. These management practices may include hybrid selection, planting date, management of crop residue, elimination of weedy host plants and timely application of crop protection products when warranted.

Most Troublesome Sorghum Insects

Sugarcane Aphid

Sugarcane aphids (Melanaphis sacchari) are pale yellow, gray, or tan insects that feed on the underside of sorghum leaves. A threatening but relatively new pest, they were first discovered on sorghum during the 20213 growing season in the coastal regions of Texas.

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Stink Bugs

Stink bugs are a major challenge for sorghum growers in southern states where they feed directly on grain kernels. They have piercing sucking mouthparts that reduce the size of kernels and test weight, decreasing overall yields.

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Headworms consist of three species of caterpillars, corn earworm, fall armyworm and sorghum webworm. They feed on flowers and developing kernels, which can cause severe yield loss if left uncontrolled.

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Sorghum Midge – The Silent Predator

Sorghum midge adults are tiny, reddish orange flies about 1/8 to 1/16 inches long. Though they are smaller than fruit flies, they have the ability to lay 50 eggs each and effectively destroy a whole panicle or grain head.

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